Sunday, December 22, 2013

Happy holidays

It's been awhile, lots of positive updates though. Last Tuesday brooks had a procedure and it took him about 5 days of recovery but he is doing awesome! Wednesday, my birthday, he was taken off respiratory support and is doing quite well. In the next couple of days he is going to get a shot at a bottle. He is also approaching the 7 pound mark!
Meredith is also doing well, she has reflux so that has slowed her bottle feeding progress but she's still holding steady otherwise. She is now 6 pounds!! 
We have no timeline for homecoming, which we are accustom to no solid answers at this point just continue to pray for the positive to be on our path. 
We are now on Christmas break until January 6th so we are looking forward to family time as well as some time with the twins in Columbia. 
Today we spent the day building a snowman, Oliver loves the snow. He also had a play date with the coy/Johnson family down the road! We also received several donations for gas, lodging, and ancillary things. Thank you to all those who bought gun raffle tickets, coffee, hot chocolate, and donuts and others for the cards, gift cards, meals, and everything else (those unspoken too). We feel very blessed and fortunate to have the friends, family, and community surrounding us and doing what they can to help! We love you all and appreciate every thing!
Merry Christmas to all and many blessings on a new year full of blessings!

Monday, December 9, 2013

On the road again

Tonight marked the start to the lady tiger basketball 2013-14 campaign. We opened with a hard fought win over a scrappy sacred heart griffin team. It wasn't pretty, but the first game never is. Many people probably wonder how I can coach while Brooks and Meredith are still in the NICU or be away from Oliver. I know it's a bit selfish, but it's my out my time to relax (right coaching is relaxing) to forgot how hard this all really is. I love each of the girls I coach and have such special bonds and relationships with this young ladies. I hope that I'm helping then mature and learn about life and become more equipped to handle life. I feel like I'm an example to them: of faith, courage, love, dedication, sacrifice, and determination. It's also some more adult time for me, away from nurses and doctors and all the dings of the NICU. Sara(the head coach) and I have a very unique relationship and have really grown through a lot of challenges our team or ourselves have/are facing. We lean in each other for a lot of different things and reason and I'm so thankful for her. We also talk basketball and I don't have another friend like that in Kirksville. Getting to brainstorm plays, match ups, defenses, scouts, practices; it's all part of my passion for the game. We both get it about each other, Kevin tries but wrestling just different for him.

So I thank basketball and my lady tiger family for being my distraction.

We had kind of a rocky weekend, but things for Brooks and Meredith seem to be on the up and up. Both had to get another blood transfusion, they're bone marrow just can't keep up with how fast they are growing right. Is-part of being so premature. Both of them received good news that their eyes are mature and look good, that means no ROP and no trip to the specialist in St. Louis. That was a huge weight of our shoulders-prayer answered. Brooks now weighs 5 pounds 1 ounce yippee, that's a huge milestone. Meredith is right in his heels at 4 pounds 8 ounces. At times I feel like my life is surreal, all that we are going through and learning about medicine. Everytime they give me a little grin or open their eyes and look at me my heart melts. I'm so thankful to be their momma. I am excited for the adventures out family is going to have down the road.
Oliver is such a funny kid. He is in love with Dorothy and the wizard of oz. we watched it Saturday and Sunday! He remembered this morning apples and tornado. It's amazing the parts of the movie that leave an impression on him. We also watched the grinch last night and be called in scary grinch and said grinch in his meanest deepest voice. It's hard  it to laugh at his behavior or what he says, especially when he is doing or saying something we don't want him to. I love rocking him to sleep at night and singing (in my bad key tone) even If it takes an hour.
Kevin doesn't talk much about it all, I know he's trying to be th rock, the man, the steadfast driver of our crazy train. I think he is constantly thinking about the twins and their medical care, questions for doctors and nurses, treatment plans, where are things going, what to expect, what's going to happen next. I'm glad he's been able to hunt this fall and have that time to relax. I'm glad we have each other to get through this.

Well mom and dad are going to be here this week, maybe I'll post some pictures of the work their doing! I have the best parents ever. I know I haven't always thought that and I know as teenagers and kids we don't have the perspective, but boy I'm beyond thankful. From their support; emotionally, mentally, financially, and physically they are amazing. I wish we lived closer but love knows no bounds!!

Well this bus ride home from Marshall is drawing to a close so will this post. Thank you again for the caring, loving thoughts, prayers, words and actions. 

From Powellland
Lub you

Big Day

Tomorrow is another big day in the lives of the Powell family. Brooks has to have a procedure done as a result of a complication shortly after birth. Everything should go smoothly it is just scary as parents for our tiny little guy to have to be going through what he is! It seems like all around me everyone is having struggles, not your everyday, non-life altering struggles, but cancer treatment, family medical concerns, family struggles. However, each of us is strong in our faith and unwavering and that is what will get us through and to the end of the darkness that seems to be engulfing our path. God won't leave us he will lead us!

I wish so badly that I could make things easier for Brooks, take away his struggles, his pain and make them mine. I wish that I was still pregnant and we didn't to be going through all of these hard times, the worry, waiting and unanswered questions. There are so many unknowns and its hard to swallow at times. I have had moments where I want to breakdown, but I stay strong. I CAN do this, I WILL do this. I will be an example of strength, faith, love, devotion. I will get my family through this because that's what I know how to do, is push through, not give up, be positive, find the bright side.

As Christmas nears and the uncertainty of when our family will all be under the same roof I can't help but feel so many emotions. I'm scared not to have nurses at home, what kind of special care (if any) will they need, what kind of extra equipment will we bring home, who will watch them when I have to go back to work, how much is this going to cost, how is Oliver going to handle all the changes..... Quite simply I experience some level of fear, and anxiety about it all but what calms me is this:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Well we are almost home from our basketball trip to Hannibal, It's going to get better, no one said it would be easy! NEver lose faith and never give up!


Saturday, November 30, 2013

A peek into life right now

Wow it's been a ride this far and we just getting started! I know many of you have been keeping up on us through family, friends, Facebook, etc and we thank you for love, support, care, PRAYERS! Brooks and Meredith are amazing us everyday as they each have their own challenges on this road. Some are easier to overcome others, well only time will tell. We are exhausted everyday but find strength in The Lord as he has put us here and given us Brooks and Meredith and chosen us to be their parents-THANK YOU! 

We were very thankful to spend thanksgiving dinner with Kevin's family and enjoy some wonderful food but more importantly the time and love. Oliver was the life of the party, I know big surprise!

Brooks and Meredith are both over 4 pounds now, I think both have doubled their birth weight of 2.5 and 2.2. Brooks is about 17 inches long and Meredith is about 16, so definitely growing! Meredith is taking up to 3 bottles a day, not finishing all of then but learning what to do. Brooks is not quite to bottle yet, but all in time. We have to have a lot of patience and we already knew they weren't going to be comparable and we are accepting of that, each is going to be their own person! It's going to be so much fun to watch then grow into their personalities which they have already displayed.
Both are pretty feisty and let you know what they did and don't like. Both love to be snuggled but seem to prefer their own time and not shared time. They are looking more and more alike, yet still very different. Brooks' hair is very light and Meredith's is dark. They resemble Oliver's baby pictures more everyday too. There is a lot medically going on, more so with Brooks as he had a much rougher start to life than Meredith did. We are thankful to have then both and slowly but surely we wil be the Powell family of five all at home!!!

I know many want to know what to do to help or what we need. As basketball (yes I'm coaching as much as I can) and wrestling have started and life gets even more crazy we may need some extra help with Oliver, though grandma and grandpa's have been covering that pretty well. If their are cookers among you freezer meals would be welcome of if you prefer a hot meal Wednesdays are covered right now(thank you so much schwend's). Kevin has also been meaning to clean leaves out of our gutters, hasn't happened, if anyone wants to take that on. :) I guess I could turn over the grocery shopping to someone.... I'd have to put the list in my mind down onto paper. 

Some have asked about finances, right now we only know that this is expensive, we don't know what the final bill will be or even what of that we will owe. There are some wrestling dads selling raffle tickets for a fun of some kind that they are going to donate the proceeds to us, rusty Beeler is one dad the other gentleman I do t know his first name but he's an Easley-check out Kevin's or mine Facebook post their is a flier out there. Some people have sent gift cards for gas, groceries, and other needs and we really do appreciate that as we go back and forth to columbia 3-4 times a week. We also want to thank the sparks' and farwell's for the money you have to us it was thoughtful and kind and appreciated/used. :)  To our Kirksville school family thank you for your donations as that money will also be a blessing and cause less worry. To family that have sent prayers and thoughts in cards and gift cards thank you. We aren't going to ask anyone for money or things of that nature but if you are inclined we also won't turn it down. 

As we are preparing for the day we are all him together we are looking for a bigger vehicle to replace the equinox, 3 car seats=not happening. So we are "looking." I really like Honda, especially the pilot and odyssey. Something 2009 or newer, used, and good running condition, clean carcax, so if you find one, no of one, have one, want to give us one (ha ha ha) please feel free to help in the search. 

Well as I sit here hardly able to take my eyes off my angels to type this just know everything that everyone has done means so much to us. Big and small it doesn't matter we are simply thankful and eternally grateful, not because it's that time of the year, but because we know we cannot go it alone and God has reminded us of how blessed we are everyday!

As we say in Poweland 
Lub you!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Week 2 on 6.5 to go

Everything is going smoothly and that's how we plan to keep it!! No change is good news. Today I had my glucose test, I assume all is well as no one has taken my desserts away! Next Monday we are going to stay biophysical ultrasounds to monitor babies growth, fluid levels, and I'm sure some other fancy stuff!
I have had all kinds of wonderful visitors, thank you all of you that have stopped by no matter how long. Any break in the routine is welcome! Thank you also for the cards and gifts of time consuming activities for the next 45 days. Again November 22nd is our goal-get to 34 weeks!! So there's lots of time to stop by and check out my place at the hospital.

I had a fantastic weekend. Mom and I watched A LOT of football, came up with some crafts/projects, aunt patty was here to visit and Kevin and Oliver came down! I got to snuggle with my little boy and there isn't much better than that! I'm thankful he's young enough not to know what's going I or remember it! He's absolutely adorable and sweet! 

Then yesterday my magnificent golf team went out and won districts! These young ladies amaze me with their strength, focus, and determination. I hope they keep it rolling at sectionals and take it all the way to state! I miss them and our time together, but am so excited for the next couple of years!

Who knew crocheting could be so addictive! I started one scarf yesterday and some how managed to make it look like more of a Christmas tree skirt than as scarf. So I'm back at it today and prototype b looks sooo much better. Look forward to finish product pictures.

Well it's movie night for me and mom so I'm signing off. Love and good night!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


So I've started a days countdown to 34 weeks. That would put us at November 22nd and that is my goal with these two. I'm doing well with the bed rest I think because I've been here before. It's not as scary this time because I know the care we are getting is the best. I try to stay positive as much of the time as possible and enjoy each moment.

My mom has been here since Sunday and what a blessing. Every morning she has a treat bag and a small gift for me. I hope I'm half the mom she is! We are trying to come up with a craft project while we are here. Thinking infinity scarf crochet..... We are going to probably start with a solid color and if we can accomplish that then maybe add colorS! She is perusing Pinterest for ideas while I knock out the levels on Candy Crush - not exactly but I did finally beat one I'd been on for over a month! HIP HIP HOORAY!

Today's big accomplishment was getting to shower again and getting to put on my own clothes and get out of the hospital gown. Feel a little bit more like myself. I can't believe how big my once baby bump is getting. Now it is a BEllllYY! Hard to believe there are two lives in here!! Again, all the nurses are wonderful and show so much kindness and care! Several of them have shared their own bed rest stories-all with good outcomes so I keep telling myself if they can do it I can!

Well my eyes are getting heavy so I better sign off!  One of the hardest parts of this is missing my little O man. He's such a sweetie and sooo fun-growing and changing every day. I miss reading 12 books for bedtime and snuggling under the "cubers" with him. I look forward to him and Kevin visiting on Sunday!!

Hugs and kisses to all!


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Good morning from the BHC

Thought I would upload some newer O pictures to keep everyone light and happy